
Welcome to the sacred sound sangha. A community of people interested in exploring the vast and mysterious path of sound, music, silence, magic, and ultimately, connection.

Often music and sound is boxed into an entertainment context. We put on a show, or someone puts on a show for us. There are songs that we all know and can sing together. Music moves us, shapes our moods, brings us together, and is very important in our lives.

But there is another way to relate to sound. Sound can be used for healing. It can be used as a spiritual tool. It can show us where we are present, and where we are not. It can give us a feedback system for the clarity or stagnancy in our soul expression. Sound can physically align us, and tune our cells.

In an exploration of sound and vibration, we begin to trace the source of all existence. Within the context of our own bodies, we go within and directly experience unity and connection. It doesn’t matter how much you have studied spirituality. Sound bypasses the intellect and offers deep peace to the heart.

Sound is a language that transcends borders, cultures, even dimensions. It is a language that is spoken when one stops being the personality of our existence. It is sourced from the silent hum that connects us all.

In the sacred sound sangha, we treat sound as a sacred art. We go slowly, cultivating our beings, our bodies, our vibrational reality. We come together to use our voice, our instruments, our prayer, and our love to raise vibration in this world… and remember who we truly are.

Join us.